When done right, working on complex and important public causes is very rewarding. That is because the stakes with such projects are much higher than usual: failing the project goals implies failing parts of the society or the society in general.
Too often, in this process, communication is perceived as a separate, secondary part from the core public activities – merely an outreach. But after 20 years that we’ve spent on building communication, we have the full confidence to state that communication can be so much more than a simple outreach: communication can and should be an integral and vital part of the public cause that actively paves the way to the desired goals.
The unique approach of our team to any project and cause is encapsulated in 4 small letters, and one big IDEA:
the current awareness, ecosystem members (stakeholders), needs and goals of communication
ways to engage the ecosystem and communication tools and activities
communication activities and campaign(s)
to the reacting ecosystem.

The ideas we appreciate the most are the ones that can drive change, ensuring deeper understanding of the society: from breaking through the plain habits and misconceptions to creating new “traditions” and languages, such efforts are always directed at building a better community.
We have been developing projects successfully for 2 decades, focusing on tangible results and relevant social impact. The essence of our business culture and organisation is creating long-term relationships between causes and their audience.
We see all our projects as opportunities for meaningful cultural, political and social shifts; as well as voices of necessary change.
Our strategic communication partnerships